GeMaP - Global Economic Policy advisory and Monitor
During 2017, IGES had published a 2-page paper on the theme of Janakalyana Arthikanithi Muladhara (#JAM), link is available here
A New General Theory Of Economic Equilibrium
Several observations that followed from above are yet to be included in the paper (such as #MWR or MeanWageReadjustment, #BankerFunction, #FreePrimes, t-space #Inflation #InflationAbsorbers and so on )
We are now promoting the new macro-economic model from IGES under the broad term NeoMacro (Dr John Hearn a professor at London Institute for Finance and Banking suggested the name). IGES is also in the process of creating a global group #GeMaP
We believe that the #NeoMacro economic models (#PCME #JAM) due to their fractal nature can help nations, states and cities in formulating superior economic policies. A large major economy like India that joined the current global economic race late needs superior economic models to achieve economic transformation.
At IGES, we believe that we have successfully formulated a new macro economic model that can help policy makers in formulating superior monetary and fiscal policies and programmes. IGES will continue to engage with cities, states, large firms, Indian ministries and economic organizations around the world to forward NeoMacro
#GeMaP is an initiative by #IGES to take the benefits of #NeoMacro to the whole world and promote collaboration amongst #NeoMacro researchers of the world.